
Put your climate ideas to work

Jake Novak said it very well, "Anger without doing something other than protesting and making speeches won't protect the environment." Activist Gretta Thunberg arrived in NYC on her solar-powered boat (what was the carbon footprint for building that boat?) just to demonstrate her anger at America and the rest of the world. I can't find out how she has traveled around since arriving.

Why don't I believe in the "man-made global warming" story? One of the major reason is because I don't see the "committed to change" crowd doing anything serious about changing things themselves.

Hold more protests. Write to your representative. Blame the government. Change light bulbs. Stop using plastic bottles. Buy electric cars. Talk about sacrificing to save the world. Ha.

If "warmers" want to convince nonbelievers of the sincerity of their beliefs, they need to start making changes in their own lives that will show that they want to make a real difference.

Here are some actions I can think of that would show they really care.

Stop or minimize the usage your cars and ride bikes or walk.

Use your homes more efficiently. Have boarders or extended family members live with you to consolidate energy usage and reduce the need for new construction. Averaging two residents per bedroom in your home would be a good start.

At sunset don't turn on your lights. Go to bed. Get up when the sun comes up.

Stop buying smartphones and other electronics. The manufacturing of these products (including e-cars) makes those companies energy hogs.

Vacations should only be taken near home. If you don't want to bike there, it's too far away.

If your A/C breaks down, don't replace it. Get used to the warm and spend more time in the basement.

Do these ideas sound crazy? Sound too extreme? Can't the millions of "warmers" make a difference? I thought saving the world was dependent on it.

Bob Kopp

Carol Stream

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