
No fairness in loan forgiveness proposal

Sen. Elizabeth Warren's campaign website describes her plans to forgive $640 billion in outstanding student debt. But, the outstanding balances on the loans held by private institutions would have to be paid off with taxpayer funds instead of simply being forgiven and written off.

Sen. Warren's loan forgiveness plan doesn't address reimbursement of loan payments made by students who paid off their loans over the past decades. In many cases, these borrowers delayed for years starting families, buying houses and contributing to their retirement plans until their student debt obligations were satisfied.

Under Sen. Warren's plan, these borrowers will be required to help pay off current student debt with their tax dollars.

If a student debt forgiveness plan that doesn't address reimbursement of past borrowers is enacted (this assumes Sen. Warren's election), the government should prepare for thousands of lawsuits to be filed by past, paid-up borrowers looking for the same consideration as current borrowers.

Randy Harris

Campton Hills

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