
Left has overtaken the Democratic Party

I am 69-years-old, born and raised in a Chicago Democratic household.

I am finding it hard to identify with the party today. The ultra left wing liberals have taken control of our party. I do not agree with half their policies. They seem to be against free speech if you do not agree with their ideology They are off the wall with some of their PC talk. The presidential debates are a joke. All they talk about is who hates Trump more. I would like to hear some constructive ideas.

A lot of my friends think like me. The party became too liberal. We need to take our party back and get decent people with constructive ideas to run and maybe then we could beat Trump and his far out ideas. And yes these same thoughts could apply to the cooks on the far right. Put good people out there and learn to work together to straighten our country out.

John Borginson

Unincorporated Kane County

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