
'Free press' has hatred for president

The Daily Herald opinion of Friday, Aug. 16, echoes the same theme of a year ago, namely President Donald Trump describes the "free press" as "enemies of the people." The theme has not changed, neither has the "free press" MSNBC, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, etc. These commentators, expert analysts, entertainers and talk show hosts harbor enormous hatred for Trump.

To shape public opinion, the press has called the president unspeakable names and accusations; mentally unfit to be president, collaborated with the enemy, become a dictator, etc. They lied, conjectured and manufactured false accusations. One "expert" analyst suggested treason. Treason is punishable by death. Outrageous.

For two years it was the Russia collusion hoax. The Mueller report ended that. Obstruction of justice, fizzled. Next came the perennial favorite smear: He is a racist. This baseless accusation is currently raging. All this time not one favorable comment about the president? Where is fairness, integrity and balance?

Tune in anytime to CNN or MSNBC for verification. In a nutshell that is the state of our "free press."

When the "free press" dedicated itself to remove from office our legitimately elected president, using slander and vicious lies, and turned on the very citizenry that it was constitutionally entrusted to protect against actual government abuse, it has indeed betrayed the public trust and has turned itself into "the enemy of the people." Period.

The Opinion is correct that such adversarial relationship between President Donald Trump and the "free press" is bad for democracy. But a coup to oust a duly elected president is far worse. That is treason. Until the "free press" frees itself from its bond of hate, the threat to democracy remains. An Opinion on the responsibility of the free press is much awaited.

Laszlo Stephan


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