Trump is a reflection and indictment of our times
Consider: most phone calls are from spammers trying to sell or bait or otherwise trick us into forking over money for questionable products, at best. Sure sounds like Trump and his long scandal- and scoundrel-tinged history of dubious business dealings.
Most social-media posts are an incomplete reflection of life, at best. And it is not breaking new ground to note that social media has been manipulated to sow discord and division. Again, that is reminiscent of a certain orange-haired septuagenarian whose last name rhymes with "stump."
And most people don't dedicate nearly enough time to expanding their minds by reading anything that requires intellectual rigor or may challenge the worldview they have developed thus far in life. By a zillion accounts, there are few things that more aptly describe President Trump than the above statement.
In short, this country has grown soft and fat. Ergo, Donald J. Trump is on his rightful throne as the King of Soft and Fat. He's soft mentally (Holy Toledo!), he's bloated temperamentally (Unholy Twitter feed!) and let's stop there, since I won't resort to his (highly ironical) penchant for body-shaming.
For too long in our culture, we have settled for the shortcut and self-deception. Likewise, we settled for Trump as president.
Will this menace continue to retain support from a majority of Republicans and Republican leaders, whether it's grudgingly, cynically, ignorantly, gleefully or otherwise? Or will a breaking point be reached between now and the Republican National Convention next August?
We already have a clear view of the president's character. Between now and then, we will learn more about the character of America, and especially the Republican Party, in its response to "Donald being Donald."
Matt Baron
Oak Park