
Fight back, America

While Donald Trump was traveling to El Paso and Dayton Aug. 7 for obvious photo ops, several Democratic candidates for president teed off on our leader.

Frankly, it's about time they fought back, especially "Sleepy Joe" Biden, who has seemed almost comatose since announcing his run.

Mr. Trump, who has never pulled a punch in his sorry existence, has had everything his own way when it comes to engaging in dirtball politics. Way too often his Twitter attacks have gone unanswered by otherwise competent foes.

But it's likely that future historians will not be kind to these pacifist Dems. They might even lump them with Senate Republicans as co-opter's of Trump's systematic dismantling of our democracy. That's a place no self-respecting, red-blooded liberal ever wants to occupy.

Like the Scarecrow who only needed a diploma or the Tin Man who was satisfied with a ticking timepiece, maybe all that's needed for the Cowardly Democrats is an inspirational slogan. Toward that end. I submit the following: "Fight Back, America, We Deserve Better!"

Hey, it's a start.

Bob Ory


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