
Why do campaign collectors need me?

My son received a call from the National Republican Congressional Committee. When I told the caller that he no longer lived at home, the caller immediately asked if he could ask me questions about how I thought the country was doing. This sounded like a good way to express my views, so I agreed. However, when I did not give him the answer he expected to hear, to his very first question, he abruptly ended the conversation.

What is wrong with these people? Are they not interested in what rank and file Republicans really believe? Must we all think in lockstep with each other to have even a semblance of a dialogue? Or do we just sit back and let these organizations tell us voters what to think?

Of course the questions were going to lead to a plea for a substantial monetary donation or, no doubt, the Democrat bogey-women were going to get me.

I guess I have to ask why do they need my money (or my son's money) at all? Republicans have an incumbent presidential candidate who has 20,000 times more money than I; a Las Vegas-based activist who owns 66,000 times more than I; and they also have two politically involved brothers who, together, have a net worth of 200,000 times more than I have in the bank.

Why bother to call all us little people when four well-placed phone calls could finance the entire Republican 2020 ticket?

Bill Pohnan Jr.


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