
Do celebrities have inside track on medals?

While reading Burt Constable's article recently about Jimmy Choi's remarkable comeback after his initial diagnosis of Parkinson's disease, it came across the TV morning news that President Donald Trump is honoring Tiger Woods with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

We've been fans of Tiger Woods since his first Masters' win and have been rooting for his rehabilitation and return every step of the way. We too were clapping with tears in our eyes when he won the Masters, knowing what inner and outer struggles were endured getting there.

Having witnessed this, I'm wondering, is Mr. Choi, or would Mr. Choi not be worthy of the same acclaim at the White House? Or, does it just matter about friendships and celebrity?

What makes one accomplishment greater than another when it comes to overcoming adversity, and one more worthy of such a prestigious award?

Rosemary Colbert


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