
The truth about tax cuts, 'trickle down' - they work

It's election season and we're hearing the usual banter from the left. Tax cuts are bad, Republicans want to starve your children, poison the water, send Granny and Grandpa over the cliff, take away your Social Security, and on and on it goes. The mind-boggling thing is, there are people that actually believe it.

Let's go to the tax question since that seemed to be the main topic in the recent meeting between Roskam and Casten. Casten claims the tax cuts will add $1 trillion dollars to the deficit (over 10 years) and only the "rich" benefit from tax cuts. The CBO came out with this "deficit prediction" at the early stages of the tax bill, before it became law. Several months after the law was enacted, they came out with a report saying the tax cuts, over time, will pay for themselves. The latest U.S. Treasury reports, "Tax revenues hit record highs."

Tax cuts help everyone, well, almost everyone. If you live in a high-tax state, e, g, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, California, maybe not so much. But the fact is the economy is really on a roll. More people working and spending brings in more money to the treasury.

The Democrats pound away at the idea that "trickle down" means the wealthy will spend more and that will "trickle down" to us little people. That's not how it works. When "ordinary" folks have a little more money to spend they buy stuff, then stores & companies hire more people, manufacturers increase production, hire more people, etc., etc. That's "trickle down."

High-taxed states are losing population, people are leaving for places like Indiana, Wisconsin, Texas, Montana. I wonder why.

Al Haak


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