
We can't function with Trump as president

I loved the op-ed by Sen. John McCain in a recent edition of the Daily Herald. When he said President Trump and President Putin "seemed to be speaking from the same script" at the Helsinki conference, and that Trump made a conscious choice to defend a tyrant against our press and against the recent indictments of Russian agents, I could not help but wish Sen. McCain or someone would say what seems to be very possible: President Trump wants to be as "strong" as a dictator, or possibly even a dictator himself.

President Trump's book on our library shelves is titled "Great Again: How to Fix Our Crippled America." His belief that we are weak refers to his desire to be the strongest president ever.

His respect and almost reverence toward other dictators like Kim Jong Un, and President Duterte of the Philippines, among others is pretty telling. He wants to be like them, to be strong and powerful and have his own way at all times.

The book published in 2017, titled "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump; 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President", ed. by B. Lee, M.D., explains that if someone is mentally ill, you can't "turn it off and on" and be OK. We have to stop waiting for him to be somehow "OK." He is not and will not ever be. He can function in his previous life, but we are not safe with him as our president.

We have to protect our country. Mueller has to finish his work. And we can start telling it like it is and be honest about this.

Sen. McCain gave up much to protect this country, as many in the services have and continue to do. We have to get out the vote.

Sandy Kaptain


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