
Left's anger is source of the 'great divide'

Your View, "The Great Divide," in Sunday's paper was right on. However, the current problem started with the unexpected defeat of Hillary Clinton by Donald Trump.

Since then, the anger on the left has left us with Democratic members of both houses sitting on their hands and doing their best to obstruct this president's programs. For months, all we have heard from the left is that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians and now it appears it was based on a fake dossier paid for by Clinton and the Democratic party, supported by some dishonest FBI officials.

That has now taken a back seat as the left takes up the call for the elimination or shut down of ICE, supposedly because they are separating illegal immigrant children from their parents. The June 30 demonstrations, which were mostly held in "blue" cities, were after the fact as Trump had already signed an order to stop separating the children from their parents.

If the left were being honest, what they really want is open borders which the majority of citizens oppose. The "Great Divide" is really the split in the Democratic Party. This happens when you lack leadership and you have no programs but instead foster agendas to obstruct, demonstrate and attack.

Another sign of a party split is the shift toward socialism. Bernie Sanders a known socialist, had considerable support in his primary run in 2016 and now a socialist, Alexandra Cortez, defeated a longtime Democratic congressman in New York City. She ran on a platform of no borders, free college education for all, free housing and free medical care. Socialism has never been successful because it is based on using other people's money until there is no money left.

Howard Huber


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