Town hall meetings are no longer safe for GOP
Not a week goes by without the typical hysterical call for a town hall meeting in person with U.S. Representative Peter Roskam.
Along with the demand comes some cookie cutter complain regarding some perceived slight to an aggrieved party.
May 7 was no different with a letter from Leslie from Downer Grove.
Leslie's injury was the result of her being so "tense," in her words, and hyperbolic during a telephone town hall discussion with Rep. Roskam that she has been uninvited to join further town halls.
If you search through video clips on YouTube, you can find videos that liberals proudly post of how they chase down Republicans in a very aggressive and threatening manner.
Today, Republicans in politics rightfully fear for their lives and the safety of their families.
It has been less than a year that a one time Bernie Sanders volunteer went to a baseball diamond in Washington, D.C. with a shopping list of Republican names and a rifle and shot three people nearly killing Rep Steve Scalise.
Personally. I have experienced the left's vitriol when passing out small bags for the children to collect candy tossed during the Fourth of July parade in Glen Ellyn last summer.
The bags were supplied by Rep. Peter Roskam and had his name on them. I received numerous angry taunts from adults and other aggressive challenges aimed at Rep. Roskam as I walked the parade route.
Not too long ago, citizens could gather and calmly exchange ideas and beliefs safely in a public forum.
I, too, wish Rep Roskam could safely host a public town hall.
Realistically, Republican candidates can no longer assume this to be true.
Until the left drives this violent radical behavior from its midst, nothing will change.
Gregory Moffett
Glen Ellyn