
It's up to us

My fellow Catholics, simply put, all the problems in the world are our fault. Don't take my word for it, listen to Pope St. Pius V: "All the evils of the world are due to lukewarm Catholics." Or Pope St. Pius X: "All the strength of Satan's reign is due to the easygoing weakness of Catholics."

Is this any less true today? We live in a world that denies the existence of truth itself, not to mention evil. Can we blame atheists or many Protestants for supporting same-sex marriage and abortion rights? Of course not. They don't know the nature of evil and how it begets more evil.

We do, and yet how many of us really obey every bit of divinely revealed Church dogma? How many Catholics vote for politicians that support killing unborn humans while protecting unborn eagles? Do you not know God would rather have you burn down every rain forest and slaughter every single animal just to save one unborn human being?

You shouldn't be a Trump supporter or a Hillary supporter or even an American; first and foremost, you should be Catholic. Until our dogma speaks louder, expect Satan's reign to strengthen.

Darren McBride

Arlington Heights

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