
Novel ideas to address school shootings

Last week a school superintendent in Northeast Pennsylvania suggested schools place buckets of rocks in their classroom to ward off intruders. I thought this was the most ridiculous suggestion ever offered, but I was wrong. On a Sunday television interview show, Rick Santorum stated that students instead of protesting against gun violence might be better served if they took CPR courses. What planet are these individuals on?

Neither individual mentioned guns, which I assume is why the rocks and CPR skills are needed. Common sense gun reform legislation would allow for a safe environment for students to study and learn rather than trying to devise ways to protect themselves and save the lives of students and faculty. As an aside, I am not sure what CPR would do for someone bleeding to death.

Following Santorum's line of thinking, students could also learn how to start an IV for a blood transfusion or the application of tourniquets to stop bleeding. Is this where we are as a country? If so, help us all, especially the students.

William J Filstead

Arlington Heights

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