
Endorsement: Yes to disband Aurora Election Commission

A 50 percent off sale is almost always a sure winner, and we have one for you in Aurora. If voters abolish the Aurora Election Commission, Kane County Clerk Jack Cunningham says his office can handle the duties while providing better service at half the price.

The commission was created in 1934 through referendum and needs to be dissolved the same way. An effort failed in 1986, and we hope March 20 provides a different result.

Why should Aurora taxpayers be double taxed by paying both the city and either Kane, DuPage, Kendall or Will county for the services? They shouldn't.

Thanks to Kane County Board Chairman Chris Lauzen and Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin for providing added impetus to put an end to the redundant governance. Kane County kicks in up to $640,000 in operational funding for the commission plus another $100,000 for two salaries. The city of Aurora adds about $700,000.

"I have done the in-depth financial analysis. If they give me $500,000 to $600,000 a year, I can run the election on that," Cunningham said. "We are much cheaper per vote. We are ready. We can handle it."

If the commission is disbanded, Cunningham will open a satellite clerk's office in the city, he said in a letter of intent also signed by Lauzen and Irvin.

It all adds up to a "yes" vote.

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