
It's time to focus on climate change solutions

Over the last two weeks, reports on the costs of climate change (GAO Report) the health effects of a warming planet (the Lancet Report) and the accumulating scientific evidence on the existence of climate change (The National Climate Assessment) have made the case, over and over, that climate change is upon us, its effects are far reaching and serious, and that the only way to forestall its consequences is for human beings to change their behavior.

After over 50 years of warning from the science community, it is long past time to end the cultural haggle over the evidence and begin the important task of deciding which of the myriad solutions will move us closer to an effective response to this dangerous challenge

These solutions will certainly be technological and cultural, but they will also involve changes in national policy that encourage a sustainable energy economy while discouraging fossil fuel use. One such policy initiative is a revenue neutral carbon tax that creates jobs, assists the least advantaged, improves health outcomes and solves the problem.

A revenue neutral tax will encourage the behaviors we want and discourage those that sustain the problem.

It's time to focus on the future. It's time to focus on solutions.

Steve Bogaerts

Rolling Meadows

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