
Facts Matter: An editorial poster against fake news


As readers of our editorials know, we have been concerned for some time about the proliferation of "fake news" as well as the misappropriation of the phrase for cynical political purposes to turn it into an assault on the press.

Both problems present serious challenges to our society and to our democracy and must be called out.

We have editorialized on the subject repeatedly and been mindful of it in our efforts to ensure the accuracy and fairness of our news coverage. In October, we devoted a special section to News Literacy. Our editors are working now with other community leaders to develop an educational campaign on the topic for 2018.

In short, it's a major concern and we have been proactive in recognizing our responsibility to respond to it.

Today's editorial is one unique response, developed by our editors as they searched for ways to highlight the issue more pointedly.

We hope you'll embrace our editorial poster, that you'll clip it and post it and share it. A copy of the image is available on our Daily Herald Voice of the Suburbs Facebook page and at the Daily Herald's main Facebook page.

We also welcome your comments.

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