Paper disregards traditional values
As a long time reader of the Daily Herald, I find it rather interesting that this newspaper continues to push the gay agenda in such an unprecedented fashion. Two recent examples:
On Monday, June 10, the paper ran a full color, above-the-fold story about Colin Collette who was formerly the music director of Holy Family Catholic Church in Inverness. Because Mr. Collette violated his contract with Holy Family and the Archdiocese of Chicago when he announced that he was engaged to his male partner, he was terminated by Cardinal Francis George. When Mr. Collette subsequently filed a lawsuit against the church and the Archdiocese of Chicago, a federal judge ruled in favor of the archdiocese and against Mr. Collette's claims.
The second example is the Saturday, Aug. 19, edition that once again featured on the front page a pro-gay color photo of two women embracing each other with the statement "Suburban productions are a reflection of our society now." Are you sure that it just doesn't more accurately reflect the views of the Daily Herald editorial staff? William Shakespeare is history's greatest playwright and master of the English language. One of the main reasons his works have resonated with readers for centuries is that he understood and portrayed the basic fact of the complementarity of man and woman as retold in classic love stories like Romeo and Juliet.
Shakespeare understood that marriage brings a man and woman together for mutual love and any children their union produces. But now, I suppose we are to buy into the Daily Herald's "new group think" and see it as a reflection of our society with all the great traditions and realities of history and nature now discarded in the dust bin of ages past.
Larry O'Neill