Wasco Opinion
Allow advertising in schoolsDec 13, 2011 4:00 am - Schools should permit product advertising to raise money for programs, thereby keeping citizens’ taxes low. Advertising should be permitted in public schools because it ...
Don’t pay students for good gradesDec 10, 2011 4:00 am - The debate over whether students should be paid for earning good grades in school is currently a popular topic. I believe students should not be given any type of paymen...
Allow book rental; help ECC studentsDec 09, 2011 4:00 am - A school or a college’s job is not only to educate its students, but also help them and when possible in every way. I think that Elgin Community College should allow its...
Slots at Arlington good for horse racingDec 09, 2011 4:00 am - Illinois is losing business to other states in the gambling industry. The Illinois board would allow slots at Arlington Park. Adding slots at Arlington Park will not kil...
Paying back loans should be no-brainerNov 30, 2011 4:00 am - A recent article quotes Elgin Community College’s director of financial aid and scholarships saying that some student borrowers don’t understand they have to pay back th...
Editorial: A salute to ESO and suburban arts that inspire and lift spiritsNov 25, 2011 3:00 am - The suburbs are not as homogeneous as city dwellers would have you believe. You’ll find many have a strong identity of their own that people drive for miles to experienc...
The need to boost financial literacyNov 10, 2011 3:00 am - You may have seen the TV ad: A boy walks home carrying an enormous rocket pop, and Dad asks him where his new bike is. The boy sheepishly raises his treat and says, “I t...
Community college a valuable resourceSep 14, 2011 5:00 am - History has told us that as the economy sours, more and more people turn to their neighborhood community college to regroup, retrain and look for new careers. And that h...
Banks skate because of who they knowAug 18, 2011 5:00 am - I have to correct a statement made by Anna Marie Kukec in your business section that ran Aug. 11. The statement read, “The robo-signing controversy started in October 20...
Wage war on terror more effectivelyMay 31, 2011 4:00 am - My prayer is that President Obama will use the termination of the hunt for Osama bin Laden to pivot U.S. strategy in order to fight the war on terrorism effectively. I h...