Kildeer Opinion
Endorsement: Vega for Lake County clerkOct 20, 2022 1:00 am - This endorsement is a consensus opinion of the Daily Herald Editorial Board. Election-related technology continues to be a challenge for the Lake County clerk's off...
Our endorsement for 5th congressional district: QuigleyOct 13, 2022 1:00 am - This endorsement is a consensus opinion of the Daily Herald Editorial Board. Mike Quigley, the U.S. representative of the 5th congressional district since 2009, rem...
Endorsement: McGonigal for GOP in Congress, District 5Jun 09, 2022 1:00 am - This endorsement is a consensus opinion of the Daily Herald Editorial Board. Two Republicans, from Chicago and North Barrington, are vying for the GOP nomination fo...
Endorsement: Pedersen, Schlick, Killackey, Nozicka, Ochoa, Knizhnik for Lake County BoardJun 09, 2022 1:00 am - Here are Daily Herald endorsements in contested primary races for Lake County Board in districts in the Daily Herald circulation area: Dist. 1, GOP: Pedersen Incumb...
Letter: Untangle legislation so it's clear what people are for and againstDec 26, 2021 12:00 am - To the Daily Herald editor: When developing federal legislation, why is it necessary to package so many things together? There are climate change initiatives, child...
Untangle the legislation to clarify the issuesDec 26, 2021 12:00 am - When developing federal legislation, why is it necessary to package so many things together? There are climate change initiatives, child care tax credits, pre-K care, Me...
A young Cole Magnus who is all of 3-years-old has a rare disease called Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.Dec 26, 2021 12:00 am - A young Cole Magnus who is all of 3-years-old has a rare disease called Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. The poor kid cannot go out and play due to this nasty health issue,...
Editorial: The dilemma over the Stevenson homeJun 01, 2021 1:00 am - Anyone who has owned something old may be able to empathize with the decision the Lake County Forest Preserve District board will wrestle with over the fate of the Adlai...
Editorial: Become an advocate to raise awareness, help prevent child abuseApr 29, 2021 1:00 am - National Child Abuse Prevention Month ends Friday. The work, however, on behalf of abused and neglected children, doesn't stop. Ever. At noon Thursday at the Kane County...
Editorial: Make sure seniors aren't squeezed out of vaccination accessApr 07, 2021 1:00 am - In a few days, suburbanites 65 and older will lose their nearly-exclusive access to the COVID-19 vaccines, and we're not the only ones concerned about that. On April 12,...