
Elmhurst native opens Korean wings restaurant in Villa Park

Joey Cornell opened Dak Dak Korean Wings in Villa Park at the end of November. But the Elmhurst native didn't consider his new Korean-style wing fast-casual restaurant to be officially open until recently.

Like banks that have stress tests to ensure that they can survive an economic crisis, Cornell wanted to make sure that Dak Dak Korean Wings could meet the restaurant equivalent of a stress test: Super Bowl Sunday.

"That was by far the busiest we have ever been as far as preorders and walk-ins," Cornell said. "Luckily, we sold out after the game ended."

Cornell said a lot of preplanning has to go into cooking Korean wings since there is a 12-hour brining process for the in-bone and boneless wings (which Dak Dak makes with thigh meat to be more flavorful).

"We are also a completely scratch kitchen," Cornell said. "All of our chicken comes in fresh and cut by hand.

There also is a double-frying process.

"The first fry is essential because when you take them out, the wings are still cooking and producing steam that will make the crust soggy," Cornell said. "That double fry just reinstates the crispiness, and that's why they hold up so well for delivery."

Cornell first tried Korean wings while pursuing a culinary degree from Johnson & Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island. It was his weekly food habit until the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Then Cornell returned home for remote learning.

Once Cornell completed his associate degree, he decided to pursue opening Dak Dak. Cornell chose "Dak" because it is Korean for chicken. He also doubled the name so it wouldn't be confused with an unassociated Chicago restaurant that is singularly called Dak.

Cornell specifically chose a former Villa Park pizza place at 321 E. St. Charles Road since the 1,280-square-foot location was zoned as a restaurant. And being just north of Lions Park and nearby the convergence of the Great Western Trail and Illinois Prairie Path, Cornell hopes Dak Dak will get a lot of family foot traffic when the weather warms up.

"I made the concept to almost be COVID-proof and be able to focus on takeout and third-party delivery," Cornell said. "But never say never. If we get another location down the road, we might be open to having a small table-seating area."

Double-fried Korean-style chicken wings are the specialty of Dak Dak Korean Wings in Villa Park. The fast-casual restaurant that emphasizes takeout and third-party deliveries is owned by Elmhurst native Joey Cornell. Courtesy of Dak Dak Korean Wings
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