
Letter on refugees was short-sighted

On Sept. 8, a letter by a Dorothy Connors of Libertyville was published. She says among other things that the "vast" majority of Afghan immigrants did very little or nothing to deserve the welcome they received. Really. And just how do you know that? The U.S. government was trying to evacuate as many Afghans who helped us while we were there. They risked their lives to resist the Taliban, so if anyone deserves a welcome it is they who risked their lives for us. Let me remind you of the great and quintessential American tradition of helping those in desperate circumstances. This is America. We surely can't take everyone but we have open hearts and try to help those who need the help the most.

She goes on to say "they come as dependents." She assumes they will stay that way for the rest of their lives painting them as freeloaders. Well, there are scores of immigrant stories out there of people who came with little or nothing and made great successes given the chance.

For example Ibrahim Al Husseini of Jordan, born into poverty, son of Palestinians came here, used his brains and eventually became hugely successful. He is a major contributor to Tesla, Bloom energy and of course this translates to jobs for all of us.

Then there is Hamadi Ulukaya. a Turkish immigrant who founded Chobani yogurt, using a factory that Kraft foods was going to close and basically saved the small NY community it was in. He provided jobs. He also included profit-sharing and 6 weeks paid parental leave to new parents among other benefits.

The list of immigrants who have done so much for our country is too big to note, but anyone so inclined can see for themselves how much good they have done.

Lawrence Kopp


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