
Byron Bay locals protest planned Netflix reality series

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) - Angry Byron Bay locals are protesting the filming of a reality television series that some fear will damage the reputation of their trendy Australian tourist town.

Around 100 surfers paddled to sea Tuesday to form a cancel symbol off the coast of the New South Wales state town in the hope that Netflix will can the series about social media influencers.

Several Byron Bay businesses have refused to sign filming permits that would allow 'œByron Baes,'ť a contemporary abbreviation of 'œByron Babes,'ť to be shot on their premises.

'œIt's potentially going to threaten businesses if the portrayal of Byron is as absurd as I guess a lot of the doco-soap-reality shows are,'ť Byron Shire Mayor Simon Richardson told Australian Broadcasting Corp.

'œAs a community, we should have a right to be able to not be exploited and to go about our business and also just have a community that has its real and genuine concerns and challenges shared rather than a picture postcard filmed with people who have potentially been here for five minutes,'ť Richardson added.

Ben Gordon is refusing to allow the eight-episode series to be filmed at his business, The Byron Bay General Store.

'œThey're proposing to drag our name through the mud and make millions of dollars without offering anything back to the community and completely misrepresenting who we are and it's totally wrong,'ť Gordon told Nine Network television at the Main Beach protest.

'œThere was no consultation whatsoever. They just came in unannounced,'ť Gordon added.

Gordon led a community meeting on the subject last week and complained that most of the cast were not from Byron Bay.

Netflix said its first Australian reality series would 'œaim to build a connection between the people we meet in the show and the audience.'ť

'œThe show is authentic and honest, and while it carries all the classic hallmarks of the form and embraces the drama, heartbreak and conflict that makes for such entertaining viewing, our goal is to lift the curtain on influencer culture to understand the motivation, the desire, and the pain behind this very human need to be loved,'ť a Netflix statement said.

'œThe reason behind choosing Byron Bay as a location was driven by the area's unique attributes as a melting pot of entrepreneurialism, lifestyle and health practices, and the sometimes uneasy coming together of the traditional '~old Byron' and the alternative '~new,' all of which we'll address in the series,'ť the statement added.

The town of 9,000 people is one of the most famous in Australia, partly because acting couple Chris Hemsworth and Elsa Pataky have built a mansion there. International celebrities who are based or spend time in Byron Bay include Matt Damon, Zac Efron and Simon Baker.

Richardson, the mayor, said the town 625 kilometers (388 miles) north of Sydney did not need the type of tourists who 'œmight be turned on by a vacuous vision of who we are.'ť

'œIf we become a laughing stock through a really vacuous, fake show, it could have big - not just sensitivity challenges for us - but also economic challenges,'ť Richardson said.

Byron Bay activists have successfully stood up to big business in the past. The town has prevented KFC and McDonalds from opening restaurants there after protest campaigns.

In this drone image made from video, surfers form a cancel symbol in the water of Byron Bay, Australia, Tuesday, April 20, 2021. Around 100 surfers paddled to sea to form a cancel symbol in the hope that Netflix will can the series about social media influencers. Angry Byron Bay locals are protesting the filming of a reality television series that some fear will damage the reputation of their trendy Australian tourist town. (Australian Broadcasting Corporation via AP) The Associated Press
In this image made from video, protesters display placards at Byron Bay, Australia, Tuesday, April 20, 2021. Angry Byron Bay locals are protesting the filming of a reality television series that some fear will damage the reputation of their trendy Australian tourist town. Netflix says its first Australian reality series would 'œaim to build a connection between the people we meet in the show and the audience.' (Australian Broadcasting Corporation via AP) The Associated Press
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