
In a shift, Belarus leader seeks to stem protests gradually

MINSK, Belarus (AP) - When Belarusians filled the streets to protest what they called a fraudulent election that kept authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko in power, the blunt repressions came first.

Police used tear gas, flash grenades and beatings on the crowds in the capital of Minsk and elsewhere. They detained thousands, with hundreds injured and at least three deaths.

But the heavy-handed measures in the days after the Aug. 9 election seemed to produce the opposite effect, emboldening more protesters, triggering strikes at state-run factories and forcing authorities to back off.

With the protests now in their third week - including rallies that brought out an estimated 200,000 people in Minsk on the last two Sundays - the 65-year-old president is shifting tactics. He is moving to squelch the demonstrations gradually with vague promises of reforms mixed with threats, court summonses and the selective jailing of leading activists.

Observers say the moves by Lukashenko to buy some time likely will see him holding onto power for now, although he almost certainly will face more challenges amid a worsening economy and simmering public anger.

'œLukashenko has enough resources to control the situation. He is predictably stifling the protests, but the picture is changing,'ť said Valery Karbalevich, an independent political analyst. 'œThe economy is becoming Lukashenko's main enemy. His regime is running out of funds."

Throughout his 26-year rule, the former state farm director has maintained Soviet-style controls over the economy and relied on cheap energy and other subsidies from Russia, which has a union agreement with the nation of 9.5 million.

Public weariness with Lukashenko's iron-fisted rule, augmented by his cavalier dismissal of the coronavirus pandemic as a 'œpsychosis'ť and the bruising economic fallout from the outbreak, has fomented broad discontent.

The official result of the election that said Lukashenko won a sixth term with 80% of the vote triggered the largest protests Belarus has seen, along with unprecedented strikes by blue-collar workers who were his loyal base of support. Opposition figures sought a political solution by forming a Coordination Council to engineer a transition of power and new elections.

Police and other security forces, who have stood aside after the initial crackdown and allowed rallies by tens of thousands, are slowly starting to detain demonstrators again, but without the dramatic violence.

On Monday, officers handed court summonses to more than 40 protesters on charges of holding unsanctioned rallies and disobeying authorities, and the next day the Interior Ministry reported 51 detentions.

Prosecutors opened criminal inquiries against activists who set up the Coordination Council. Two of its leading members received 10-day jail terms Tuesday for organizing unsanctioned protests, and several others were summoned for questioning over their roles in the council.

Authorities also have moved to intimidate factory workers involved in the strikes. Lukashenko has warned participants that they could lose their jobs and the plants could be closed temporarily, hurting those who didn't take part.

Hundreds of officers of the domestic security agency, which still goes by its Soviet-era name of KGB, have inundated the plants to warn workers they could be fired or face criminal charges.

'œThe KGB agents have flooded the factory, and they have managed to intimidate many,'ť said 43-year-old Vladimir Ogarevich, who works at the Minsk Tow Truck Plant, whose workers heckled Lukashenko when he visited. 'œBut our wages are shrinking, life is getting harder and we can't subsist on fear. We will keep striking.'ť

Several strike leaders, including Sergei Dylevsky, who joined the Coordination Council, have been detained on charges of organizing unsanctioned protests. Other activists also face such threats.

Pavel Latushko, a former culture minister and ambassador to France who joined the protesters, had his house splashed with red paint and received threats.

'œThe authorities' scenario is clear: They are trying to stem the wave of protests by using force, slowing the processes and demotivating the leaders,'ť he said.

Still, the daily rallies by undeterred protesters are continuing.

'œThere is no more fear,'ť said 20-year-old student Ruslan Dubko, who showed bruises on his back and his arms that he said came from police striking him repeatedly during his detention earlier this month. 'œMy parents were being afraid and patient throughout their lives. But I'm going to resist after they stole my first election.'ť

Aside from the threats, court orders and selective arrests, there have been darker, more violent episodes. The bodies of two opposition supporters were found hanged in forests. Although the police declared the deaths to be suicides, the opposition has contested the conclusion.

'œLukashenko is following a simple and primitive scenario - to hang on to power at any cost,'ť said Alexander Klaskousky, an independent Minsk-based analyst. 'œHe will have to change course only if political protest widens and more factory workers join the labor action.'ť

In a bid to stymie demands for a new election, Lukashenko suggested a constitutional reform process that would lead to a new vote down the road.

'œLukashenko is a seasoned demagogue who can imitate a dialogue in order to shift focus,'ť Klaskousky said. 'œIt allows the authorities to win time, try to drown the protests in chatter and channel the process in a desired direction.'ť

When thousands of demonstrators marched toward his official residence on Sunday, the presidential office released a video showing Lukashenko landing in a helicopter nearby and brandishing a Kalashnikov rifle. He called the protesters 'œrats'ť as he inspected riot police guarding the residence. His youngest son, 15-year-old Nikolai, walked nearby, also carrying a rifle.

'œIt was supposed to show the strength of a fearless Lukashenko, but it had an opposite effect, and most people saw it as a reflection of fear of a weakening and erratic leader,'ť Klaskousky said.

While Lukashenko may succeed in clinging to power for now, Klaskousky predicted that the president will see his authority weaken dramatically as more challenges arise over the failing economy.

'œEven if they manage to temporarily stifle the protests by factory workers with repressions, they will flare up anew in a half year or a year,'ť Klaskousky said.

He noted that neighboring Russia, which sees Belarus as a bulwark against Western expansion and an important conduit for its energy exports to Europe, prefers a weakened Lukashenko to advance its long-term goal to merge the two countries.

'œMoscow is interested in having a weakened and exhausted Lukashenko, who would accept any plan of integration and unification,'ť Klaskousky said. 'œBut in parallel to that, the Kremlin is starting to look for an alternative candidate who would guarantee union ties and replace the unpopular leader who is trying to scare the world and his own people with an assault rifle and barbed wire.'ť

He predicted the Kremlin could instigate a 'œpalace coup'ť if protests and strikes grow.

Further erratic moves by Lukashenko could also prompt Moscow to look for other options, Karbalevich said.

"The Kremlin has already cut subsidies to Minsk and may ponder alternative scenarios if Lukashenko continues to make mistakes and lose control over the situation," he said.


Associated Press writer Vladimir Isachenkov in Moscow contributed.

FILE - In this Aug. 23, 2020, file frame from video provided by the State TV and Radio Company of Belarus, President Alexander Lukashenko, foreground, walk near the Palace of Independence in Minsk, Belarus. Lukashenko's office released a video showing him landing in a helicopter nearby and brandishing a Kalashnikov rifle as thousands of anti-government protesters marched nearby. He called the demonstrators 'œrats' as he inspected riot police guarding the residence. (State TV and Radio Company of Belarus via AP, File) The Associated Press
FILE - In this Aug. 23, 2020, file photo, demonstrators face a roadblock manned by riot police during a protest in Minsk, Belarus. With protests in Belarus now in their third week - including rallies that brought out an estimated 200,000 people in Minsk for the last two Sundays - President Alexander Lukashenko is moving to squelch the demonstrations gradually with vague promises of reforms mixed with threats, court summonses and the selective jailing of leading activists. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky, File) The Associated Press
FILE - In this Aug. 16, 2020, file photo, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko gestures as he greets supporters at Independence Square in Minsk, Belarus. With protests in Belarus now in their third week, Lukashenko is moving to squelch the demonstrations gradually with vague promises of reforms mixed with threats, court summonses and the selective jailing of leading activists. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky, File) The Associated Press
FILE - In this Aug. 11, 2020, file photo, a woman fights with a police officer as others detain a protester in the capital of Minsk, Belarus. When Belarusians protested what they called a fraudulent election on Aug. 9, police used tear gas, flash grenades and beatings in a harsh crackdown. But now President Alexander Lukashenko is moving to squelch the demonstrations gradually with vague promises of reforms mixed with threats, court summonses and the selective jailing of leading activists. (AP Photo/File) The Associated Press
FILE - In this Aug. 10, 2020, file photo, police in Minsk, Belarus, clash with a protester after the Aug. 9 presidential election '“ a vote that demonstrators denounced as fraudulent. Police used tear gas, flash grenades and beatings in a harsh crackdown. But now President Alexander Lukashenko is moving to squelch the demonstrations gradually with vague promises of reforms mixed with threats, court summonses and the selective jailing of leading activists. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits, File) The Associated Press
FILE - In this Aug. 17, 2020, file photo, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, center, speaks to an employee of the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant in Minsk, Belarus. Police used tear gas, flash grenades and beatings in a harsh crackdown on protesters denouncing the Aug. 9 election that kept President Alexander Lukashenko in power. But now he is moving to squelch the demonstrations gradually with vague promises of reforms mixed with threats, court summonses and the selective jailing of leading activists. (Nikolai Petrov/BelTA Pool Photo via AP, File) The Associated Press
FILE - In this Aug. 21, 2020, file photo, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko speaks during a meeting with the leadership of power structures and law enforcement in Minsk, Belarus. Police used tear gas, flash grenades and beatings in a harsh crackdown on protesters denouncing the Aug. 9 election that kept Lukashenko in power. But now he is moving to squelch the demonstrations gradually with vague promises of reforms mixed with threats, court summonses and the selective jailing of leading activists. (Andrei Stasevich/Pool Photo via AP, File) The Associated Press
FILE - In this Aug. 25, 2020, file photo, Pavel Latushko, former culture minister and Belarusian ambassador to France, greets his supporters and journalists on his way to Belarusian Investigative Committee in Minsk, Belarus. Latushko, who joined the protesters, had his house splashed with red paint and received threats. "The authorities' scenario is clear: They are trying to stem the wave of protests by using force, slowing the processes and demotivating the leaders," he said. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits, File) The Associated Press
FILE - In this Aug. 18, 2020, file photo, Belarusian opposition activist Olga Kovalkova attends a news conference in Minsk, Belarus. The Coordination Council, set up by the opposition to negotiate a transfer of power, said police have detained members Sergei Dylevsky and Olga Kovalkova. The council wants a new election, saying that the Aug. 9 vote that kept authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko in power was fraudulent. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits, File) The Associated Press
FILE - In this Aug. 21, 2020, file photo, Sergei Dylevsky, the leader of the strike-organizing committee at the Minsk Tractor Plant, flashes a victory sign upon arriving at the Investigative Committee headquarters in Minsk, Belarus, where he was summoned for questioning. Several strike leaders have been detained on charges of organizing unsanctioned protests following the Aug. 9 election, which kept authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko in power. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits, File) The Associated Press
FILE - In this Aug. 22, 2020, file photo, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, left, speaks to high ranking officers as he visits a military exercise near Grodno, Belarus, near the borders of Poland and Lithuania. With protests in Belarus now in their third week - including rallies that brought out an estimated 200,000 people in Minsk for the last two Sundays - Lukashenko is moving to squelch the demonstrations gradually with vague promises of reforms mixed with threats, court summonses and the selective jailing of leading activists. (Andrei Stasevich/BelTA Pool Photo via AP, File) The Associated Press
FILE - In this Aug. 23, 2020, file photo, protesters wave old national flags at a rally in front of the Belarusian KGB headquarters in Minsk, Belarus. Officers of the security agency have inundated factories warn workers that they could be fired or face criminal charges for organizing strikes to protest the reelection of authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka, File) The Associated Press
FILE - In this Aug. 23, 2020, file photo, demonstrators carry an old Belarusian national flag as thousands gather for a protest at Independence Square in Minsk, Belarus. With anti-government protests in Belarus now in their third week - including rallies that brought out an estimated 200,000 people in Minsk for the last two Sundays - authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko is moving to squelch the demonstrations gradually with vague promises of reforms mixed with threats, court summonses and the selective jailing of leading activists. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky, File) The Associated Press
FILE - In this Aug. 23, 2020, file image made from video provided by the State TV and Radio Company of Belarus, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko greets riot police officers near the Palace of Independence in Minsk, Belarus. With protests in Belarus now in their third week - including rallies that brought out an estimated 200,000 people in Minsk for the last two Sundays - the authoritarian leader is moving to squelch the demonstrations gradually with vague promises of reforms mixed with threats, court summonses and the selective jailing of leading activists. (State TV and Radio Company of Belarus via AP, File) The Associated Press
FILE - In this June 30, 2020, file photo, Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko greet World War II veterans during the opening of a monument in their honor in the village of Khoroshevo, northwest of Moscow, Russia. Lukashenko is beset by protests since his Aug. 9 reelection in a vote that the opposition says was fraudulent. (Mikhail Klimentyev, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP, File) The Associated Press
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