
EU leaders struggle to agree on candidates for top jobs

BRUSSELS (AP) - Marathon talks of European Union leaders dragged into a second day Monday as they sought to narrow a list of candidates for key posts at the helm of the 28-nation bloc amid deep divisions over how to best balance political, geographic and gender considerations.

With the selection process bogged down for the second EU summit meeting in a row, the leaders were still considering Dutch socialist Frans Timmermans to replace Christian Democrat Jean-Claude Juncker as president of the EU's powerful executive arm, the European Commission.

"Let's see," Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, said of Timmermans' chances when briefly descending from the meeting room in EU headquarters around breakfast time.

The Timmermans option deeply divided the European People's Party-Christian Democrat group as it would surrender the key post to the rival Socialists & Democrats bloc despite EPP remaining the biggest group in the EU following last month's election.

Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, an EPP stalwart, posted a video on his verified Facebook account of a discussion with Timmermans in which Borissov said the Dutchman should get the Commission job while the less coveted parliament presidency should go to EPP candidate Manfred Weber.

But Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar insisted that the "vast majority of the EPP prime ministers don't believe we should give up the presidency of the Commission quite so easily, without a fight."

After negotiations started early Sunday, summit host and EU Council President Donald Tusk had more than 30 bilateral meetings in his attempt to find a breakthrough.

The task was never going to be easy. The appointments must take into account political affiliation, geography - balancing east and west, north and south - population size and gender. The leaders of EU institutions are supposed to impartially represent the interests of all member nations globally and in Brussels.

Some leaders discussed the roster of upcoming vacancies, which also include the EU's top diplomat, the president of the European Parliament and the chief of the European Central Bank, on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit in Japan that concluded Saturday.

Tusk wants nominations to be wrapped up soon, seeking to prevent further erosion of public confidence in the EU amid Brexit uncertainty and intra-bloc divisions over managing migration.

There was hope at the previous summit on June 20-21 that more time would clarify who should replace Juncker. German Chancellor Angela Merkel backs Weber, the German conservative whose center-right European People's Party is the largest political group in the European Parliament but lost seats in the EU elections in May.

Macron has suggested Weber lacks the political and government experience for such a high-profile role. Weber could still be considered for the head of the European Parliament which is the EU's only elected institution.

Merkel said there was still a good possibility for Weber and Timmermans, the top center-left candidate from the European Socialist and Democrats group, to be among the winners of the top positions. Other leaders from the same political family disagreed.

The EPP and the S&D are the two biggest political groups in the EU, but both lost seats in May's polls, where far-right and populist parties, pro-business liberals and the Greens made gains.

EU leaders want to fill the positions soon because the European Parliament is set to pick a new president next Wednesday.

Under EU rules, member countries choose who will run the Commission, replacing Juncker. The parliament must endorse that choice. But the assembly has insisted that only the lead candidates from parties that ran in last month's elections should be eligible for the post.

"The lead candidates is not the only criteria," said Conte.

The commission proposes and enforces EU laws on policies ranging from ranging from the massive single market to agriculture spending, from competition issues to immigration.

The job responsibilities are huge: Tusk and Juncker negotiate with the likes of President Donald Trump or Chinese leader Xi Jinping, while the head of the ECB can set monetary policy for the 19 nations that use the shared euro currency.

The outgoing group of EU officials was lopsidedly Italian, with Antonio Tajani holding the parliament top post, Mario Draghi head of the ECB and Federica Mogherini the EU foreign policy chief.

Top candidates include current prime ministers Stefan Lofven of Sweden and Andrej Plenkovic of Croatia. Others mentioned include Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier of France, Greens leader Ska Keller of Germany, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite and Margrethe Vestager, the EU's competition chief since 2014.


Associated Press writers Lorne Cook and Frank Jordans in Berlin contributed to this report.

Luxembourg's Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, center, speaks with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, left, during a round table meeting at an EU summit in Brussels, Sunday, June 30, 2019. European Union leaders have started another marathon session of talks desperately seeking a breakthrough in a diplomatic fight over who should be picked for a half dozen of jobs at the top of EU institutions. (Geoffroy Van Der Hasselt, Pool Photo via AP) The Associated Press
German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrives for an EU summit in Brussels, Sunday, June 30, 2019. European Union leaders have started another marathon session of talks desperately seeking a breakthrough in a diplomatic fight over who should be picked for a half dozen of jobs at the top of EU institutions. (Francois Lenoir, Pool Photo via AP) The Associated Press
Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov arrives for an EU summit in Brussels, Sunday, June 30, 2019. European Union leaders have started another marathon session of talks desperately seeking a breakthrough in a diplomatic fight over who should be picked for a half dozen of jobs at the top of EU institutions. (AP Photo/Olivier Matthys) The Associated Press
German Chancellor Angela Merkel speaks with the media as she arrives for an EU summit in Brussels, Sunday, June 30, 2019. European Union leaders have started another marathon session of talks desperately seeking a breakthrough in a diplomatic fight over who should be picked for a half dozen of jobs at the top of EU institutions. (AP Photo/Olivier Matthys) The Associated Press
French President Emmanuel Macron arrives for an EU summit in Brussels, Sunday, June 30, 2019. European Union leaders have started another marathon session of talks desperately seeking a breakthrough in a diplomatic fight over who should be picked for a half dozen of jobs at the top of EU institutions. (AP Photo/Riccardo Pareggiani) The Associated Press
Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, right, speaks with from left, Slovenian Prime Minister Marjan Sarec, Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven and European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini during a round table meeting at an EU summit in Brussels, Sunday, June 30, 2019. European Union leaders have started another marathon session of talks desperately seeking a breakthrough in a diplomatic fight over who should be picked for a half dozen of jobs at the top of EU institutions. (Olivier Hoslet, Pool Photo via AP) The Associated Press
Luxembourg's Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, center, speaks with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, left, during a round table meeting at an EU summit in Brussels, Sunday, June 30, 2019. European Union leaders have started another marathon session of talks desperately seeking a breakthrough in a diplomatic fight over who should be picked for a half dozen of jobs at the top of EU institutions. (Geoffroy Van Der Hasselt, Pool Photo via AP) The Associated Press
Luxembourg's Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, left, speaks with Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen during a round table meeting at an EU summit in Brussels, Sunday, June 30, 2019. European Union leaders have started another marathon session of talks desperately seeking a breakthrough in a diplomatic fight over who should be picked for a half dozen of jobs at the top of EU institutions. (Geoffroy Van Der Hasselt, Pool Photo via AP) The Associated Press
European Parliament President Antonio Tajani speaks during a media conference at an EU summit in Brussels, Sunday, June 30, 2019. European Union leaders launched a new round of talks Sunday, desperately seeking a breakthrough in a diplomatic fight over who should be picked for the key jobs at the helm of the 28-nation bloc. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo) The Associated Press
European Parliament President Antonio Tajani speaks during a media conference at an EU summit in Brussels, Sunday, June 30, 2019. European Union leaders launched a new round of talks Sunday, desperately seeking a breakthrough in a diplomatic fight over who should be picked for the key jobs at the helm of the 28-nation bloc. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo) The Associated Press
European Parliament President Antonio Tajani speaks during a media conference at an EU summit in Brussels, Sunday, June 30, 2019. European Union leaders launched a new round of talks Sunday, desperately seeking a breakthrough in a diplomatic fight over who should be picked for the key jobs at the helm of the 28-nation bloc. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo) The Associated Press
Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, center, speaks with Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa, left, during a round table meeting at an EU summit in Brussels, Sunday, June 30, 2019. European Union leaders have started another marathon session of talks desperately seeking a breakthrough in a diplomatic fight over who should be picked for a half dozen of jobs at the top of EU institutions. (Geoffroy Van Der Hasselt, Pool Photo via AP) The Associated Press
European Parliament President Antonio Tajani, right, speaks with Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa during a round table meeting at an EU summit in Brussels, Sunday, June 30, 2019. European Union leaders have started another marathon session of talks desperately seeking a breakthrough in a diplomatic fight over who should be picked for a half dozen of jobs at the top of EU institutions. (Geoffroy Van Der Hasselt, Pool Photo via AP) The Associated Press
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