
AP-NORC poll: Most Americans oppose Trump's foreign policy

WASHINGTON (AP) - A majority of Americans don't like the way President Donald Trump handles U.S. foreign policy and about half think the country's global standing will deteriorate during the next year.

That's according to a new poll that also found the public split about U.S. troops fighting in foreign wars.

Overall, 35 percent approve of the way the president is handling foreign policy, while 63 percent disapprove. The partisan divide is startling. While 76 percent of Republicans approve, just 8 percent of Democrats say the same.

About 39 percent back pulling U.S. troops from Syria and 41 percent say they would be OK with bringing them home from Afghanistan, too.

The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.1 percentage points.

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