
The Latest: In Iowa, Trump celebrates Kavanaugh swearing-in

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Latest on President Donald Trump in Iowa (all times local):

7:55 p.m.

President Donald Trump is celebrating the swearing-in of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh as he seeks to boost Republican enthusiasm going into next month's midterm elections.

Speaking at a rally in Council Bluffs, Iowa, Trump says Kavanaugh was "proudly" sworn in Monday in a ceremonial event at the White House.

Trump's mention of Kavanaugh drew rave applause from the crowd of thousands in the eastern Iowa city. Kavanaugh faced multiple allegations of decades-old sexual misconduct as the Senate considered his nomination. Kavanaugh denied the accusations. He was confirmed on Saturday.

Trump says: "I want to thank our incredible Republican senators for refusing to back down." He also praised Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa as "a very tough cookie" for how he handled the confirmation process.


6:25 p.m.

President Donald Trump says his second summit with North Korea's Kim Jong Un will have to wait until after next month's midterm elections.

Trump tells reporters traveling with him to a rally in Iowa that he doesn't have time for a foreign trip as he's crisscrossing the country holding rallies to try to boost Republican turnout in November.

He tells reporters aboard Air Force One, "I just can't leave now."


1:30 p.m.

President Donald Trump is heading to Iowa to boost Republican candidates and roll out new summer fuel standards.

Trump's rally in Council Bluffs is the latest stop on a busy tour campaigning for Republican candidates in the lead-up to November's midterm congressional elections.

Trump is expected to announce a long-expected move lifting the federal ban on summer sales of gasoline with high-ethanol blends that will allow year-round sales.

The change is a boon for Iowa and other farm states that have pushed for greater sales of the corn-based fuel.

It's also seen as a reward for Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, who led the contentious but successful fight to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court as Senate Judiciary Committee chairman.

President Donald Trump walks down the steps of Air Force One in the rain at Eppley Airfield in Omaha, Neb., Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2018. Trump is going to Iowa to speak at a rally in Council Bluffs. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) The Associated Press
President Donald Trump prepares to get in his vehicle after arriving via Air Force One in the rain at Eppley Airfield in Omaha, Neb., Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2018. Trump is going to Iowa to speak at a rally in Council Bluffs. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) The Associated Press
President Donald Trump, holding umbrella, shakes hands with Kevin Reynolds, left, husband of Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, second from left, as Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts, right, stands by, after Trump arrived via Air Force One at Eppley Airfield in Omaha, Neb., Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2018. Trump is going to Iowa to speak at a rally in Council Bluffs. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) The Associated Press
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