
She apologizes, learns

There is absolutely no doubt who I feel should be our next president.

Hillary made a mistake with her emails. This didn't compromise anything within the U.S., plus the Republican head of the FBI said, "They won't prosecute." Also, Hillary acknowledged the mistake, and apologized to the country.

However, the Republicans won't accept the apology or let go of it. Donald has never apologized for anything or taken responsibility for what he's said since the beginning of this campaign, or what he's done in the past.

He cheated workers out of their pay, and bilked people out of their homes, under the justification that it is just business. He earned most of his fortune in this country, but he doesn't want to support it, and he uses every loophole and trick to not pay any taxes, and he brags that he's brilliant.

What kind of President would that make him? A self centered, egotistical one.

Hillary has the experience of working with our allies plus getting good things done. Donald knows how to make billions without paying any taxes.

He wants to modernize America's nuclear weapons, which could start a war that would have no winners. This scares me more than any other of his bad ideas. His name calling of anyone that doesn't agree with him is immature, degrading and typical of a fifth-grader.

It boggles my mind how he has such a big following. I recently saw in the news that a skinhead racist wrote graffiti on a church attended my mostly Hispanics and wrote a phrase praising Donald Trump. Other persons have said even worse things, getting a boost from Donald's rhetoric.

So I understand why Hillary said half his supporters are deplorable. My vote goes to Hillary Clinton, and I pray that the majority of American voters feel the same way.

Karen Heidenreich

Lake Zurich

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