
Phony 'deplorables' outrage

Spare me the phony outrage over the "basket of deplorables" comment. It might truly be outrageous if it weren't true or if that was all she said.

If we had been treated to the full context of her comments, it would've been clear she was referring to the Breitbart clan, the white "nationalists," the overtly racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, etc. She also mentioned that the other "basket" was filled with people who feel government has let them down, people who are desperate for change.

We've all seen his supporters at his rallies saying horrible things, spitting at and on protesters, pushing, shoving, slapping, punching, and threatening to kill protesters. We've heard of his supporters attacking a Jewish reporter with the most vile threats you can imagine because she wrote a story he/they didn't like. Just the other day a small group of white "nationalists" held a press conference thanking Trump for hearing them and being their voice. Pence was unable/unwilling to say David Duke, former KKK grand wizard, was deplorable when asked by news anchors yesterday. Perhaps they should've asked if Pence if he thought members of the LGBTQ community are deplorable. That would be an easier answer for him.

By the way, hard working and deplorable are not mutually exclusive. You can be hard working and still be a despicable human being. A couple of trips to African-American churches doesn't erase years of racist behavior. Refusing to talk about the birther movement you championed doesn't mean you've changed your mind about it.

Shake the reality show sequins out of your eyes folks.

Rita Rothmund


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