
Coyne shifting focus of his tax-voting record

This is in response to Naperville Councilman Kevin Coyne's letter "Why Naperville highway deal matters."

The proposed deal, Councilman Coyne writes, will result in "many hundreds of thousands of dollars of unnecessary expense removed from the Naperville township tax levy." Councilman Coyne's proposal is to reduce spending by "hundreds of thousands of dollars" in a governmental entity he has nothing to do with.

On City of Naperville taxes which Councilman Coyne is responsible for, he voted to increase garbage collection fees approximately $5 million per year. Councilman Coyne also voted to implement the first ever Home Rule Sales Tax estimated at $8.5 million per year. City Council members noted that $2 million of the sales tax increase was for a reduction of the City of Naperville real estate tax levy, resulting in a reduction of that portion of our real estate tax bill. Conveniently not mentioned was the increase in the City of Naperville Pension Fund, which negated over half of the savings.

It is no wonder citizen groups such as are sprouting up. So many of my fellow Naperville residents believe council members simply ignore the concerns of residents. Councilman Coyne's letter is a classic example of a politician focusing on a small piece of a much larger picture, diverting focus from that larger picture. Councilman Coyne voted to increase taxes $11.5 million, net of the $2 million "reduction," while now advocating a reduction of "hundreds of thousands of dollars" in taxes over which he has no authority.

Lower taxes and smaller government is something we can all embrace. Councilman Coyne pushing this proposal appears to be simply a deflection of his record of increased taxes.

Facts are a stubborn thing. We all know the old saying: fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice.

Mike Marek


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