
Many professions pay for advanced degrees

Your article about public schools paying for teachers to attend "college" was misleading and demeaning.

All professions require continuing education for certification and employment. Health care professionals, lawyers, investment and finance, librarians and teachers, all continue to learn and grow in their professions.

Sometimes, schools reimburse teachers and sometimes they don't. That was never mentioned. And to suggest that these teachers are going to "college" is inaccurate. Many are working on a master's or PhD.

Private employers do the same and the small decrease mentioned is hardly a good argument. From personal experience, my husband's MPA (public administration) was paid by the Army when he was stationed in St. Louis. And his MBA was paid for by his company.

While I found the article misleading, I found the fact that you put it on the front page with the inflammatory headline poor journalism. I have noticed and can only conclude that your reporters and your paper are anti-pubic education and anti-teacher.

Kaye Grabbe


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