
State Rep visits Falcon Park to see popular D15 summer nutrition program in action

State Rep. Elaine Nekritz recently joined District 15's School Nutrition Services staff in serving breakfast to participants in Palatine Park District's summer camps at Falcon Park Recreation Center.

"I appreciated the opportunity to see firsthand how efficiently and effectively the Summer Nutrition Program works," said Rep. Nekritz. "The need for healthy meals doesn't end with the regular school year, and I'm grateful that the District 15 School Nutrition Services provides this valuable service."

Around 80 campers, counselors, and other youth from the community enjoyed the simple meal, which included packages of whole-grain cereal and graham crackers, fresh fruits, low fat milk, and 100 percent fruit juice.

The breakfasts, which are served every day of the camp, are part of the District's Summer Nutrition Program, which has been offered at nine different locations this summer.

By the time the district's Summer Nutrition Program wraps up later this month, it will have served more than 11,500 free breakfasts to area youth ages 18 and younger.

When District 15 launched the federally funded program seven years ago, that number only stood at about 6,700.

The growth of this program is important because many students simply don't have access to nutritious meals during the summer break," said Kristin Voigts, School Nutrition Services assistant director.

District 15's School Nutrition Services offers these free breakfasts to the community throughout the summer through the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Summer Food Service Program. This program requires the district to offer at least one free meal per day in any of its schools, with free and reduced-price lunch participation of 50 percent or more that are holding summer programs.

"Lack of nutrition during the summer months is a serious concern, and these meals meet nutrition standards set forth by the USDA," Voigts said.

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