
GOP convention or just a hatefest?

Was that the Republican convention a white nationalist meeting? What a hatefest! One speaker seemingly more unglued than the next.

As a parent, I don't wish to minimize Ms. Smith's grief but Ms. Clinton has been investigated nine times about Benghazi by Republican led and bipartisan committees. Each time it was concluded that she was not at fault and yet Ms. Smith is still screaming that Clinton should be in prison.

Either a very unhealthy state of mind for Ms. Smith or one bought and paid for by the RNC. This wasn't the first time an American citizen has gone to work overseas for the government and lost their life. This "investigation" has been, however, longer than the JFK or 9/11 investigations.

The millions of dollars spent on these nine investigations could have gone instead to feed hungry children here in America … you know, America First. Or that money could've been sent to Flint, Michigan for new pipes.

This white nationalist party can't be saved. It's time for a new Republican party consisting of decent people who are willing and able to work with others, who aren't corrupted by special interests, who understand that "We the People" means all the people; individuals who haven't been radicalized by extremist Christians (PC version - Evangelicals) and who understand the Founding Fathers' decree of a separation of church and state; people who aren't afraid of science, who keep moving us ahead not dragging us backwards. We've become the country other countries warn their citizens about visiting. I wouldn't vote to elect one of these current Republicans as dogcatcher let alone president.

Rita Rothmund


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