
Green candidate is not the lesser evil

You probably haven't heard of Jill Stein of the Green Party. This is unfortunate; most Americans are interested in other choices for a president.

In a Data Targeting poll conducted on May 18, 55 percent of Americans said they would favor an independent challenger. Considering this widespread dissatisfaction, voters deserve to be informed about another choice.

Jill Stein has helped lead initiatives to strengthen local "green" economies, to promote healthy communities, to fight against environmental injustice and to revitalize democracy. Jill advocated for campaign finance reform by helping pass the Clean Election Law in Massachusetts, and she helped lead the "Secure Green Future" ballot initiative to move subsidies away from fossil fuels.

As president, Jill will work to implement her "Power to the People Plan." This includes "A Green New Deal" which will create millions of jobs by transitioning to renewable energy and investing in public transit, sustainable agriculture and conservation. The plan also involves creating living-wage jobs, creating a path to citizenship for immigrants, creating democratically run banks and utilities, creating an improved single-payer health insurance program, investing in tuition-free public education, reducing military spending, ending destructive energy extraction, ending mass incarceration, and ending unconstitutional surveillance. I encourage you to read the Green Party Platform to learn more.

Stein's Green Party campaign is rapidly gaining momentum. A recent CNN poll conducted June 21 found that currently 7 percent of voters will vote for her. Her campaign is about building a party for millions of Americans who feel that the existing parties no longer represent them. Why vote for the lesser evil when you can instead vote in accordance with your values and support the greater good?

Dan Vojcak


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