
Give Lotto winnings to schools in need

It makes me so sad to read what's happened in Aurora Unit District 131 over the past 50-plus years. I can hardly believe that more than 4,000 students are being squeezed into the East Aurora High School building.

This situation is inexcusable in the face of the state lottery system. Sure, lottery players deserve a big prize. But nobody needs $100 million or $200 million to be a big-time winner.

How about limiting the winnings to $10 million? Not enough? Okay - $20 million? Isn't that enough to make people ecstatic? Who would turn down $20 million? The winner would still go home jumping up and down and screaming in delight; the whole family could take a one-month cruise. Or spend a week or five in Hawaii. Or go on a Safari, or pay off bills and buy a nice home in a nice neighborhood with excellent schools.

Give the rest of the lottery amount to the schools, so many of which desperatelty need it. Like District 131. How far would those extra millions go to solve the problems that are dragging our children down into the pits before they even get started on their climb to adulthood.

And if anyone says anything about these children being Hispanic and African American and not worth it, come on and say that to my face and prepare to be slugged. I may be small and shrinking with age, but I can still pack a wallop.

Pam Moser

Sheridan, Illinois

Formerly of Aurora

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