
Transgender demands erode others' rights

In my opinion, and what must be shared by many, the notion that those bewildered about their sex should be free to use the bathrooms and locker rooms of their choice, lest their feelings be bruised is not only difficult to imagine, but calls for a national dialogue.

I read recently that Caitlyn Jenner, at 67, has decided that being a woman isn't all she thought it would be.

Where does this stop?

It should be common sense that every person is entitled to privacy when using the restroom, changing or showering, but unfortunately, some have eliminated common sense.

Before we sacrifice what our courts have recognized as a constitutionally protected right at the altar of gender-identity politics, the consequences must be considered, especially when options exist to accommodate everyone without violating anyone's privacy.

According to the American College of Pediatricians, transgender programming of children is child abuse. As such, the American College of Pediatricians urges educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts - not ideology - determine reality.

About 41 percent of those who undergo sex change surgery attempt suicide. In Illinois, some common sense is taking place. A student bathroom bill has been introduced in the Illinois House by Tom Morrison, a Palatine Republican, which bases access on sex at birth.

The bill also makes accommodations for single-occupancy restrooms and changing rooms upon request if students feel they do not identify with their anatomical sex. Bills similar to Morrison's have been emerging throughout the country in states such as North Carolina.

Nancy Thorner

Lake Bluff

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