
Cruz has credentials that Trump lacks

At the outset of his run for president, it was known that Donald Trump had never donated money to any conserva­tive candidates or organizations, but that he had donated to the political campaigns of Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi - all liberal Democrats.

It was also known that he had previously iden­tified himself as a Democrat.

Despite this history, Trump has managed to convince voters that he's both a conserva­tive Republican and an outsider.

In the past few weeks, however, news has broken which should erase all doubt as to who and what Trump stands for. This includes reports of assurances he had given The New York Times editorial board that he was lying when he said that he would build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border; claims of the hiring of only 17 of the three hundred U.S. citizens that had applied for jobs at his newly built hotel in Florida, with the remaining jobs being filled by illegal immigrants; and accusations that he deceived over 5,000 people through his Trump University in New York.

There's no shortage of politicians in this country who pose as conservative Republicans during their campaigns for office, and then, after getting elected, turn abruptly to the interests of both the Establishment Republicans and the Democrats.

When Ted Cruz was running for senator, he had promised the people of Texas that he would take on the cor­ruption in Washington, if elected. And among his many ef­forts to do so, he had both opposed subsidies which the Im­port-Export Bank would give to companies doing business in Iran and filibustered for nearly an entire day against the Affordable Care Act.

Wayne Heyse

Elk Grove Village

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