
Elk Grove Township votes for freeze in its tax levy

The Elk Grove Township board of trustees has voted unanimously in favor of freezing the tax levy for fiscal year 2016-2017 at last week's their Nov. 23, 2015 meeting. The levy is $2.85 million for the town fund and general assistance and $539,776 for the road fund.

"We have been diligent in continuing to streamline all of our operations," Elk Grove Township Supervisor Mike Sweeney said, citing the township's efforts to create public and private partnerships, which have increased the township's service reach and provided additional avenues to support programs through donated items and volunteers.

In June, the board hired Paul Pioch as the first township administrator. He has created new programs without adding to the tax burden, Sweeney said. They include a program where employers are invited to post opportunities for employment and a Snow Angels Campaign in partnership with Elk Grove Township School District 59, which invites area residents and/or businesses to donate new or gently used snow boots and snow pants by Dec. 15 for in-need students. Readjustment counseling services for combat veterans and their family members are another new program offering, created in partnership with the Vet Center in Evanston.

For more information, contact the township at (847) 437-0300.

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