
Join the club

The Enchanted Railroad display at Morton Arboretum is created and run by members of the LGB Model Railroad Club of Chicago.

The club doesn't meet regularly but sets up displays at hobby shows and other functions. Other club events include a holiday party in January, a meeting with a how-to clinic and swap meet in early spring, and a summer picnic. Members also have open houses for their individual garden railroads during the summer.

Here are some more details about the club:

Annual dues: $18 for an electronic newsletter, $22 for paper copy

Membership: About 110 hobbyists

Major events: The arboretum display; High Wheeler Model Railroad Show at Harper College; All-American Railroad show at Lyons Township High School; Little Boots Rodeo in Elk Grove; Geneva Days; Illinois Railway Museum over Labor Day; model railroad show at Richards High School; Trainfest in Milwaukee; Brookfield Zoo Lights.


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