
Antioch town-hall meeting:

The village of Antioch and the First Fire District of Antioch will host a town-hall meeting Wednesday, Oct. 1, at 7 p.m. at fire station #2, 700 Deep Lake Road. The purpose of the meeting is to inform residents in the village and in Antioch Township about a Nov. 4 referendum question for emergency services. This is the second of three planned town meetings on the issue. Voters will be asked for permission to create a .25 percent tax rate increase to fund ambulance services. Officials will present factual information regarding the services, address specifics of the questions, and answer questions from the audience. A tour of the fire department facilities and equipment will also be provided. The final town hall meeting is scheduled for Oct. 9, at 7 p.m. at fire station #1 at 835 Holbek Drive in Antioch. People wishing to view the first town hall meeting can do so by watching a YouTube video.

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