
Your health: Why students need eye exams

Why students need eye exams

As students head back to school, the American Optometric Association is reminding parents to schedule a comprehensive eye exam, NBC-South Bend reports.

One in four students in kindergarten through sixth grade has an undetected vision problem, which can interfere with their ability to read and learn, the group says.

It's best to get your child's eyes checked once they start kindergarten.

Although some schools do vision screens, complicated vision problems are often overlooked. A comprehensive eye exam can catch a lazy eye, farsightedness or even more serious problems that need to be diagnosed early.

Some key signs to look for this school season, if you think your child might have a vision problem, include often getting headaches or a child who does well on tests but doesn't pay attention in class because he or she can't see the board.

A tampon that could prevent STDs

If there's one important lesson to take away from all those awkward sex ed classes you had back in high school, it's this: condoms are essential to protecting yourself from dangerous STDs.

But, new research may change that, reports Scientists at the University of Washington are currently working on a dissolvable "tampon" that may be able to protect you from HIV, other STDs, and even pregnancy without the need for a condom during sex.

Researchers combined silky, electrically spun fibers with an HIV drug. Within minutes of coming into contact with moisture, the fibers dissolve, creating a gel and releasing the medication.

The product would need to go through clinical studies and is still years away from being available to consumers.

Pack of troubles for kids' backs

Many parents don't realize that their child's book bags are too heavy and could cause back pain or other injuries, ABC-Biloxi reports.

The average recommended weight for a backpack is 10 percent of a child's body weight, says chiropractor Kelvie Culpepper. Even at that level, Culpepper said it could be too much for a child.

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