
Your health: Americans' top 10 foods

Americans' top 10 favorite foods

Few Americans are following federal dietary guidelines, which recommend daily servings of dark green vegetables, orange vegetables, legumes, fruits, whole grains, and low-fat milk and milk products.

Instead, we eat foods full of refined grains, sugar, fat, and calories - just check out the list below, gathered from the Report of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee.

Harvard Medical School reports that these are the top 10 sources of calories in the U.S. diet, according to the report:

1. Grain-based desserts (cakes, cookies, doughnuts, pies, crisps, cobblers, and granola bars)

2. Yeast breads

3. Chicken and chicken-mixed dishes

4. Soda, energy drinks, and sports drinks

5. Pizza

6. Alcoholic beverages

7. Pasta and pasta dishes

8. Mexican mixed dishes

9. Beef and beef-mixed dishes

10. Dairy desserts

'Happiness Blanket' displays your mood

If you are flying British Airways, the in-flight entertainment may soon be you, according to The Boston Globe.

That's because people will be able to read your mood just by looking at your blanket - a "Happiness Blanket" supplied by the airline.

The airline began testing the blanket recently on seven volunteers flying from Heathrow to New York. What does the blanket do, exactly? It "visually shows the well-being of a passenger in real time by changing color to reflect their mood while onboard," according to the British Airways website.

Here's how it works: Passengers wear a headband that measures tiny electrical fluctuations in the neurons of the brain. Those fluctuations are sent via Bluetooth, every second, to fiber optic lights woven into the blanket. If the blanket turns red, the passenger is stressed out; if it turns blue, the passenger is relaxed.

According to the airline, passengers' blankets turned blue when they showed pleasure over menu items and changed colors as they felt like and dislike over entertainment options. Also, relaxed and comfortable passengers slept wrapped in - you guessed it - blue.

Does this mean we no longer need to ask that annoying barefoot passenger to please put on his shoes? Will our glaring red blanket do it for us?

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