
'He's my best friend'

Whether cheerleading, singing in a local community choir, performing in a dance recital, shopping, navigating the corridors at Community High School in West Chicago, or hanging out with friends, Jenny Youngwith of Carol Stream and her 3-year-old service dog, Bode, are never far apart.

"He's my best friend," says Youngwith, who has a rare chromosomal disorder which hinders her endurance, causes her to occasionally have difficulty navigating uneven surfaces and stairs and requires the use of supplemental oxygen.

Bode carries the oxygen tanks, helps with bracing when needed, fetches his own leash and service dog vest, retrieves Jenny's shoes, socks and purse, and is at her side as she cheers, sings, dances, studies, sleeps and plays. Together they recently were honored as grand "pet marshals" of the LaGrange Pet Parade.

Bode is the second service dog for Jenny. Simba, a 9-year-old yellow lab, recently retired his duties after 8 years on the job - working with Jenny from middle school through high school. Both dogs are graduates of the Illinois Department of Correction's Helping Paws Service Dog Training program. Bode was purchased as a puppy and later placed through the MidAmerica Service Dogs' Foundation.

­-Janice Youngwith

Editor's note: Jenny Youngwith is the daughter of the story's author, Janice Youngwith.

  Jenny Youngwith of Carol Stream and her service dog Bode go everywhere together. Bode even carries Jenny's oxygen. Sometimes Jenny's other dog Simba goes for a walk too. Daniel White/
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