
Fond memories of Elk Grove bakery

Fond memories of Elk Grove bakery

What wonderful memories I have of shopping for bakery goods at your business, Ken Jarosch. From 1981 until I moved to Georgetown, Texas in 1999, I drove by your bakery every day on my way from Mount Prospect to my job in Itasca.

I was usually the one who would pick up sweet rolls and birthday cakes for our office. What a wonderful business and friendly staff you have. You must be a very good businessman to stay around this long.

Please, Ken, consider moving your bakery to Georgetown. Our town, county (Williamson), and state love business. We have no state income tax and no state and local tax on food. Our real estate taxes are lower. Our energy costs and gas prices are low.

Georgetown and Williamson County have consistently been voted one of the best places to live and retire. It's hot in the summer and really nice in the spring, fall and winter. Our unemployment is low so you might have to pay a little more than in Elk Grove Village. We are not big on unions so they won't be busing people in from Detroit to picket. We have no ex-governors in jail.

I say all of this tongue in cheek because for the past two years I have considered moving back to the area for reasons of the heart. I do spend the summers here, however, with the high real estate taxes, state income tax, billions of pension debt, tax on food and a legislature run by the city of Chicago that refuses to do anything to resolve the situation there is no way I am moving back. I guess I also forgot the brutal winters that drove me away to begin with.

Ken, we do need a good bakery in Georgetown.

Tom Colvin

Georgetown, Texas

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