
Misericordia drive a success once again

The long tough winter could not dampen the energy or the generosity of the great citizens of the Palatine area. You once again came out in amazing numbers to support the 2014 Misericordia Candy Days fundraising effort. You opened your hearts, purses, wallets and checkbooks to help others in need. Through your selfless acts of charity we were able to exceed our local goals.

The Misericordia Home is a wonderful social service organization under the leadership of Sr. Rosemary Connelly. It provides compassionate care at the highest level for over 600 children and adults with special needs. It is recognized nationally for the quality and breadth of the care provided.

The success of Candy Days is vital to these programs. When government funding is questionable, at best, Misericordia counts on the support of its friends. Your gifts are valued highly and ALL go directly to serve the residents at Misericordia.

Palatine is fortunate to have so many energetic people who want to be part of this effort. We thank each of the volunteers who don the red and white vests and work the intersections and the store fronts. Some of our volunteers have been with us for many years, have their favorite corners and make the two days a family affair. We hope they will all be back.

Our appreciation also goes to the staff at the Twice Blest thrift shop for the manpower, the use of their facilities, and their leadership.

The youth of the area continue to offer their service in growing numbers. We love their enthusiastic spirit and hope more will join us next year.

We also appreciate the cooperation of Palatine, the Palatine Emergency Management Agency, and the businesses that allow us to solicit at their sites.

We give you one final loving THANKS and extend to you an invitation to come back and see us next year.

Julie luorio

Kathie McCarthy

Pam Frayn


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