
Over-regulation, not training, is the issue

Thanks to the Daily Herald for printing such a concise example of how out of touch this president and his supporters are regarding jobs and their continued failure to successfully address the problem. The May 8 letter 'Democrats working toward job creation' talks about how wonderful Sen. Durbin and Congressman Schneider are by supporting new programs to train the masses of unemployed people.

Their flawed logic allows them to think that taxpayer-funded unemployed workforce training leads to higher employment. Truly this is the tail wagging the dog.

As a local employer (job creator) for over 30 years, I can say with assurance that the challenges we face do not include a lack of trained employees. We do that ourselves, and unlike the proposed Democratic plan, ours comes at no cost to the trainee or the dwindling numbers of taxpayers.

What gets in the way of our growing the company (resulting in the hiring of more people) are the risks associated with this state's unemployment and workman's comp policies and unfriendly business climate.

So while predictable election year rhetoric calls for accolades of elected officials who "bring the bacon home" by their sponsorship of more taxpayer-funded programs appeasing shortsighted voters and the chronically unemployed, my hope is that we actually elect new people who understand that 70 percent of new jobs are created by the private sector, and then do all they can to support the real economic engine of this country.

Keith Gray
