
Is U.S. headed for a Rome-like fall?

Is U.S. headed for a Rome-like fall?

The recent Supreme Court decision, pronounced by Chief Justice Roberts, removes all remaining limits to campaign donating. It sets a price on our Republic, affordable only by the wealthiest Americans.

The poor, distracted by trying to survive, may be oblivious to the ruling's affects. America's middle class will recognize it as another thrashing of their evaporating financial and economic power. The powerful will rejoice in this gift of additional power. This decision and those of recent congresses brings to mind the fall of Rome.

Rome's story of downfall indicates a collapse of its political, economic, military and social institutions, as disintegration, not a single catastrophic event, as the root cause. Rome's powerful leaders directed a metamorphosis toward new corrupt political, economic, military and social structures resulting in the empire's ruin.

Three underlying motivations were at play - lust, greed and a fascination with power, not unlike the motivators at play in America today.

It took 1,200 years to build the Roman Empire. Her best days lasted about 350 years. Her fall took roughly 150 years. Could America be on an accelerated, if not compact, timeline similar to Rome?

We cannot continue to relinquish our government processes to wealthy judges, congress members, and corporations, enriching a few barons while forsaking all others. We cannot accept those who besmirch the poor calling them "nonessential collateral" or "takers."

We cannot "save money" eliminating and underfunding programs that serve people's needs and infrastructures while financing corporations with subsidies and tax breaks. Corporate profits moved offshore, avoiding tax responsibilities, further diminishes the nation's resources.

Might it be too late to realign our actions with the values espoused by America's freedom fighting founders and save the Republic? If so, the U.S. and Rome will share a shameful place in history.

Gail Talbot


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