
An immigration plan that can work

An immigration plan that can work

Here's a five-year plan for solving immigration:

Secure the border first, all illegals register to become citizens, get a legal Social Security card. If they don't, after 12 months they're deported, anyone with a violent criminal record goes back.

Once registered, they begin to pay into the system, pay a minimal fine each month for five years for being here illegally and while they wait in line to become citizens, learn the English language, work or show attempts to get a job. No benefits other than food stamps and only if needed, no voting until they become legal citizens, and if they do not commit any crimes after five years they become citizens.

All farms have to register with the government as to how many migrant workers they need each year and cannot hire any undocumented workers in the future or face serious fines and imprisonment. In addition, no farms can hire migrant workers until they have advertised the jobs for at least two months to American citizens. Any other business will be seriously fined for hiring anyone that is undocumented. The fines the illegals pay over the five years do not apply to their children.

Might need tweaking, but I think that's fair to everyone.

Martin J. Uttich

Carol Stream

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