
Money pool helps improprieties repeat

The sadistic truths about the impropriety in Illinois are disdainful, yet with power and an endless supply of money — it’s repeated. Cardinal Francis George stood before the cameras with a sad expression, yet he was aware that (regretfully) hard core parishioners will continue to close their eyes and fund such atrocities.

The allegations of such vile acts have since proven truthful, though very hard to understand. The Archdiocese in Illinois continues to prosper, albeit in a challenged way. The wayward priests get their hands slapped, but the well cared for Roman Catholic Church continues to function. In the state of Illinois the land of Lincoln corruption is contagious with some, not all, priests, police, and politicians as they tinker in a desultory way. While the lawyers hash things out — the Roman Catholic Archdiocese in Illinois considers its next move.

Richard J. White


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