
Why keep up failure of philosophy?

Anytime you cross the proverbial “line” you fall into the experimenting mode of operation. That is what this administration and the liberals’ philosophy are doing as we speak, and the citizens are their guinea pigs.

They were experimenting with our education system when the feds took control of it, and it has failed the kids miserably. They are now experimenting with our health care, and so far it hasn’t taken long to see how this is going to go and the mess has just begun. Rather than rely on our military leaders they experiment by implementing their own preconceived notions into military orders and has thus cast the futures of Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention the entire Middle East, into question; they did the same thing in Vietnam and cost us a victory.

They have spent more than $20 trillion on the “war on poverty” with nothing to show for it but an expanding lower class. Beside creating chaos, costing lives and raising the cost of living, what good comes from this already proven failure of a philosophy?

Martin J. Uttich

Carol Stream

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